Captain Jill Passer

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My contribution to the Skeriosities Patreon Steampunk Collaboration. I used a steampunk pirate image from a talented artist called Ravven as a reference. During her creation a certain theme song kept running through my head, and her story formed, deviating in a different direction than I had intended.

Captain Jill Passer has a renowned brother, notorious for getting into trouble. To avoid drawing unwanted attention to herself, she disguised her surname.
When sailing with legitimate cargo, the ships name is The White Pearl. In pirate mode, the name changes to The Lusty Wench. The crew are mostly female, when going after another ship the crew strip out of their dresses, leaving them in saucy undergarments. They strap on weapons and prepare to board. The sailors of the prey ship are stunned at the wenches boarding, giving easy victory to the pirates.
The ladies steal the cargo and maybe a few sailors for entertainment.